Monday, March 27, 2006

Canada: We must debate Partial-Birth Abortion

Nicol Dumoulin makes some good points in the post at The War Room


To be blunt, Canada now needs to have a debate on partial birth abortion. It is a topic that will not go away. Canada is the only country in the modern West that has absolutely no restrictions whatsoever on abortion.Think about that for a second.Canada is the only country in the modern West that has absolutely no restrictions whatsoever on abortion.That means exactly what you think it means. A woman can go into a hospital, 8 months, 3 weeks, 6 days and 23 hours into labour, with a fully formed baby in her body and order the doctor to kill it. So long as half the child is in the womb, the procedure is legal. Now many doctors will not perform this procedure this late in a pregancy, but in cases where the woman persists, doctors have been known to come up from the States to perform it. Most people are not aware of this.This ‘late term abortion’ or ‘partial birth abortion’ is a process that many find tantamount to infanticide.

Another Excellent Point:

Here’s another example for the patriarchy obsessed feminist set;Let’s say a woman is pregnant and she is in an abusive relationship; her husband beats and abuses here brutally and physically. One day in the eighth month of her pregnancy, while her stomach is full; while she knows what sex the baby is and she is already buying clothes, let’s say her husband beats her viciously until she is within an inch of her life and is unconcious. He makes her body look like a jigsaw puzzle. Let’s say say she survives the attack…but her baby does not.Does aggravted assault seem like the only thing the husband should be charged with?Should the mother have a say or ‘choice’ as to whether or not he is charged with murder of the child if she was committed to having the baby at this late date?Should the spouse be charged with murder of the unborn baby at 8 months as well?In Canada, he would not and the brutalized woman would have no 'choice' in the matter. And that is the way the feminists want it.This is Canada’s dirty little secret, the one that we are not supposed to talk about. Radical secularists and feminists do not want this discussed. It is obvious why. On any moral level it cannot be justified that a baby in the womb this late in pregnancy has no rights at all. But, once we give a child in the womb rights at this late stage of pregnancy, then the whole debate of when life begins starts…and a debate about the morality of abortion begins.Radical feminists and secularists know they are on the losing side of this debate and when the grisly details of the procedure are known (complete with the crushing of baby skulls and the dismemberment of baby limbs) there is very little they can do to justify it.It is why they would rather focus on the Charter and not on the child.

I would also like to add that as a mother of former unborn children, I never had the choice to confer equal rights on my unborn children. But I guess it's not really about choice....